Planting a tree can help you save on your monthly electric costs. Strategically placed trees are an effective way to save energy by helping to reduce your heating and cooling costs. Shade trees cool the outer wall temperature of your home by as much as 20 degrees, saving your air conditioner and lowering your summer electric bill.
As a member, you can purchase up to 3 low-cost, low-water use trees through Trico’s Tree Program. Trees cost $15, will be at least 3 feet tall and are delivered directly to your home by Trees for Tucson (some restrictions apply). These are usually offered beginning in January until sold out.
Contact Tucson Clean & Beautiful for any issues or questions regarding your tree order at (520) 791-3109.
Have questions on how Trees can cut down your electricity bill?
Send us an email at: or call (520) 744-2944, Ext. 1605
Trees are now available.
Red Push Pistache

- Size: 30′ X 30′
- Flower Season: N/A
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Moderate
- Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
- Thorns: No
- Hardiness: 10° F
- Dense shade: fall color
Desert Willow

- Size: 20′ X 20′
- Flower Color: Pink or Purple
- Flower Season: Spring/Summer
- Exposure: Full sun or part shade
- Water: Low
- Grown Rate: Moderate
- Thorns: No
- Hardiness: 0° F
- Low maintenance; attracts hummingbirds
Joan Lionetti Live Oak

- Size: 20′ X 30′
- Flower Color: Inconspicuous
- Flower Season: Spring
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Low to moderate
- Grown Rate: Slow
- Thorns: No
- Hardiness: 0° F
- Drought tolerant, cold hardy; named after Trees for Tucson founder
Chinese Elm

- Native: No
- Type: Deciduous
- Grown Rate: Fast
- Hardiness: 0° F
- Water: Low to moderate
- Mature Size: H: 35-45 ft W: 35-45 ft
- Thorns: No
- Flower Color: Inconspicuous
- Flower Season: Spring
- Litter: Low
- Allergenic: Moderate
- Multi Trunk: No
Blue Palo Verde

- Size: 15′ X 30′
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Flower Season: Spring
- Exposure: Full/Reflected Sun
- Water: Very low
- Grown Rate: Moderate to fast
- Thorns: Yes
- Hardiness: 20° F
- High Allergen
Velvet Mesquite

- Size: 20′ X 30′
- Flower Color: Cream/pale yellow
- Flower Season: Spring to summer
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Low
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Thorns: Yes
- Hardiness: 10° F
- Native to Sonoran Desert

- Size: 25′ X 35′
- Fruit: edible
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Moderate
- Grown Rate: Moderate to fast
- Thorns: No
- Hardiness: 10° F
- Large, fragrant leaves; frost adapted

- Size: 15′ X 10′
- Fruit: edible
- Exposure: Full Sun
- Water: Low
- Grown Rate: Moderate
- Thorns: No
- Hardiness: 15° F
- Bright red flowers; use as hedging; attracts birds
Desert Ironwood

- Native: Yes
- Type: Evergreen
- Growth Rate: Slow
- Hardiness: 20°F
- Water: Low
- Mature Size H: 15 to 30 ft W: 15 to 20 ft
- Thorns: Yes
- Flower Color/Season: Lavender/Spring
- Litter: Moderate
- Allergenic: Low
- Multi Trunk: Yes
Catclaw Acacia

- Size: 20’ X 25’
- Yes, bean pods
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Low
- Growth Rate: Slow
- Thorns: Yes
- Hardiness: 0° F
- Sharp thorns; flowers attract bees
Screwbean Mesquite

- Size: 20’ X 15’
- Bean pods: Yes
- Exposure: Full sun
- Water: Low
- Growth Rate: Slow
- Thorns: Yes
- Hardiness: 0° F
- Unique bean pods; attracts wildlife
Palo Blanco

- Native: Yes
- Type: Evergreen
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Hardiness: 20ºF
- Water: Low
- Mature Size: 15-30ft H / 15-30ft W
- Thorns: No
- Flower Color: N/A
- Bloom Season: Spring
- Litter: Low
- Allergic: Low
- Multi Trunk: Yes
When ordering your trees online, you can view a brief description of each tree variety by clicking on the picture of the trees located at the top of the order form webpage. If you would like more detailed information, you can contact the Pima County Master Gardeners program, which is a volunteer organization that works in conjunction with the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. They are qualified to provide research based information on urban horticulture, gardening and landscaping. They can be contacted at (520) 626‐5161.
Each Trico membership can purchase up to three (3) trees per fiscal year.
Trees purchased through Trico’s Operation Cool Shade program are offered on a first-come first-served basis. You may purchase trees any time throughout the year as long as trees are available. Depending on the demand of the program, Trico cannot guarantee that trees will be available throughout the entire year.
The trees provided through Trico’s Operation Cool Shade program cost $15 each.
When your trees are delivered, Trees for Tucson (Tucson Clean and Beautiful) guarantees that they will be at least 3 feet tall and between 1‐2 years old.
Your trees may be delivered in a variety of different containers. Some trees are delivered in a 5‐gallon container while others may have their roots bagged. Regardless of the container that your tree is delivered in, Trico and Trees for Tucson (Tucson Clean and Beautiful) guarantees that you will be receiving a quality tree and that it will be at least 3 feet tall.
Per our terms and conditions, all sales are final. Once your trees have been delivered, we cannot offer you a refund.