The following graphic offers explanations for the terms and graphs you’ll find on your monthly DG Energy Export bill. Hover over the orange circle for explanations.

Mailing Address
This is the mailing address we have on file. If you need to update your mailing address, fill in the correct information at the bottom of your bill or use our Ebill (Consumer Self Serve) service.
Statement Date
This is the date that your bill was mailed to you.
Name of primary account holder.
Account Number
A unique number that identifies the specific account set up under your membership number for the meter being tracked by this bill.
Payment Date
This is the date that your electric bill is due.
Previous Balance
This is the total due on your last bill.
Payment Received
All payments received since your last bill.
Balance Forward
The difference between the amount due on the last billing cycle and payments received.
Total Amount Due
This amount includes both the current amount due and balance forward.
Service Address
This is the address of the location that is receiving service from Trico.
DG Energy Export kWh
Export credit for kWh received from excess solar generation and the export credit amount.
Fixed Monthly Charge
Charge is incurred even if no electricity is purchased from Trico. Standard fee applied to all active member accounts.
Total Amount Due
This amount includes both the current amount due & any balance forward.
Message Box
From time to time this box will contain special messages from Trico.
Account Number
A unique number that identifies the specific account set up under your membership number for the meter being tracked by this bill.
Total Due
This amount includes both the current amount due and any balance forward.
Trico Billing Address
This is the address of Trico’s bill remittance center. Please mail your payments here.
Primary Contact Number
Your primary contact number.
Monthly Data Cost
Incremental costs for the increased meter data (two meters) collection for Solar accounts.
Residential Service
Energy purchased from Trico at night or during the day when system is not generating enough energy for home’s needs.
We Received DG Energy Export20
Energy sold to Trico during the day when system is generating more than energy consumed in the home at a point in time (NOT total generation). Associated number is the applicable DGEE Tariff year. i.e. 20 is the 2020 tariff year.
Your System Generated
Total system generation, does not affect billing calculation.
Energy Usage Comparison
Overview of meter data for complete billing cycle
The following graphic offers explanations for the terms and graphs you’ll find on your monthly Net Metering bill. Hover over the orange circle for explanations.

Mailing Address
This is the mailing address we have on file. If you need to update your mailing address, fill in the correct information at the bottom of your bill or use our Ebill (Consumer Self Serve) service.
Statement Date
This is the date that your bill was mailed to you.
Name of primary account holder.
Account Number
A unique number that identifies the specific account set up under your membership number for the meter being tracked by this bill.
Payment Date
This is the date that your electric bill is due.
Previous Balance
This is the total due on your last bill.
Payment Received
All payments received since your last bill.
Balance Forward
The difference between the amount due on the last billing cycle and payments received.
Total Amount Due
This amount includes both the current amount due and balance forward.
Service Address
This is the address of the location that is receiving service from Trico.
Sales Tax
This is the sales tax calculation for your bill.
Fixed Monthly Charge
Fixed Monthly Charge is incurred even if no electricity is purchased from Trico during current usage cycle. Standard fee applied to all active member accounts
Net Metering Monthly Charge
Incremental costs for the increased meter data (two meters) for Solar accounts.
Total Amount Due
This amount includes both the current amount due & any balance forward.
Message Box
From time to time this box will contain special messages from Trico.
Account Number
A unique number that identifies the specific account set up under your membership number for the meter being tracked by this bill.
Total Due
This amount includes both the current amount due and any balance forward.
Trico Billing Address
This is the address of Trico’s bill remittance center. Please mail your payments here.
Primary Contact Number
Your primary contact number.
Average Daily Cost
This average does not include tax and the Renewable Energy Surcharge.
We Delivered
Energy purchased from Trico at night or during the day when system is not generating enough energy for home’s needs
We Received
Energy sent to Trico during day when system is generating morethan home is needing at a point in time
Residential Service
Net difference of what “We Delivered” and “We Received”
Your System Generated
Total system generation, does not affect billing calculation
Previous Bank Balance
Banked kWh carried over from last billing cycle
kWh balance
kWh added or subtracted from bank for current billing statement
Current Balance
Banked kWh to be carried to next billing cycle.