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Making the Switch to an Electric Vehicle?

Making the Switch to an Electric Vehicle?

December 1, 2024

If you’re considering making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV), Trico is here to help. As your trusted local energy partner, we can help you make informed decisions about home charging options and factors to help you decide if an EV works for your typical driving needs.

Types of EVs

There are three common types of EVs. All-electric vehicles, also known as battery electric vehicles or BEVs, are powered solely by a large battery. Because BEVs are powered by a rechargeable battery and do not use gasoline, they produce zero emissions. On average, BEVs can run on a full battery for 110–300 miles.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are powered by a combination of a large battery, an electric motor and a gas-powered engine. PHEVs recharge battery power from regenerative braking and can also be plugged in to a standard outlet. Depending on the model, they can run on full battery power (alone) for 15–60 miles.

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) use an electric motor to assist gas-powered engines. Similar to PHEVs, HEVs can also recharge their battery power from regenerative braking, but the power comes from the gas engine, and they do not plug in to an electrical outlet.

Home Charging Options

Most new BEVs and PHEVs include a Level 1 charging unit (110-volt compatible), which can be plugged into any standard household electrical outlet. A Level 1 charger typically provides two to five miles of range per hour of charging, which may work for those with shorter daily commutes.

For lengthier daily drive times, Level 2 chargers can be installed for faster charging, at 10–30 miles of range per hour. A Level 2 charger uses 240-volt service, which may require electrical upgrades conducted by a licensed electrician.

Trico can help

Member interest in EVs is growing and that’s why Trico provides information about EVs on our website so our Members can make informed EV purchasing decisions. We also offer two voluntary rate options for EV owners.

Trico EV Time-of-Use Rate

Trico’s voluntary Electric Vehicle Time-of-Use Rate (EV TOU Rate) is for eligible Members who have EVs. Members who sign up for the EV TOU Rate will receive up to 400kWh of energy at a 45 percent rate reduction if they charge their EVs between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Encouraging charging during off-peak hours supports Trico’s system and helps save money for all Members. This experimental rate is available to the first 1,000 Members who sign up.

Trico EV Unlimited Rate

With this rate, Trico will own and install a Level 2 charger at the Member’s home and provide unlimited EV charging at a fixed monthly cost when charging between the hours of 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. Charging outside these hours is an additional $0.25 per kWh charge. This experimental rate is available to the first 1,000 Members who sign up.

For more information about EVs, visit our website at, email, or call us at 520‑744‑2944 ext. 1524 to speak to one of our Energy Solutions experts.

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Application to ACC for approval of RUS Loan

Application to ACC for approval of RUS Loan

November 28, 2023

Trico Electric Cooperative (Trico) has submitted an Application to the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) for approval of a $58,888,000 loan from the USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS). The RUS loan will help to fund the construction of facilities that will ensure power provided by Trico remains reliable and affordable.

Trico is dedicated to providing its Members with cost-effective and sustainable energy solutions. One way we do that is by planning years in advance for upgrades to our system. Every four years, Trico develops a Construction Work Plan that includes projects to strengthen Trico’s grid. This includes building new lines, improving existing lines, adding and upgrading substations, ensuring reliability for existing Members and supporting growth in the communities we serve. This RUS loan will fund the completion of Trico’s 2022-2025 Construction Work Plan (CWP), which includes projects to support every district of our service territory.  

Trico selected a RUS loan because of the affordable interest rates and the decades of experience RUS has in serving non-profit cooperatives. We are dedicated to making a difference in the communities we serve, and this loan will help us to fulfill our mission of providing cost-effective and sustainable energy solutions to all our Members.

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Membership Equity is Your Share of Trico

Membership Equity is Your Share of Trico

November 2, 2023

Member economic participation is vital to a cooperative. I am excited to announce that for the 14th straight year, the Trico Board of Directors has approved the retirement of Membership Equity – formerly Capital Credits – in the amount of $5.4 million. That’s money that stays here in our local communities.

You may be wondering why we changed the name of this Member benefit program. We feel Membership Equity better describes how our Members share in the financial success of our cooperative.

Membership Equity is your share of Trico. Trico is not-for-profit – which means we need to raise money to operate, but we don’t seek to make extra revenue to satisfy shareholders. When there’s money left after all the co-op’s bills are paid, it’s returned to Members.

In general, here’s how Membership Equity (ME) works:

When Trico’s revenues exceed its cost of operations, a profit (margin) is created, and these amounts are allocated to Members’ ME accounts. These credits accrue in the Members’ accounts until the Board approves what is called a “retirement.” That’s when Members who bought electricity from Trico during a certain year will receive a distribution based on the credit applied to the Member’s account, the amount retired by the Board, and the amount of power the Member used. This distribution may be in the form of a bill credit or a check.

Co-ops perform a balancing act – they have to retain enough money to operate and be prepared for emergencies, like storm damage – but they also want to give Members their share of the margins. That’s the basis of a cooperative; it’s owned by the people who use its service or buy its product, so they share in the “margins” – the co-op equivalent of “profits.”

We often get asked why Members can’t receive all the Membership Equity they have accrued. The Membership Equity of all Trico Members builds up over time and is used to fund the maintenance and improvement of Trico’s system. To maintain fairness, Members need to contribute equitably to the continued operation of the co-op. If Members were able to withdraw all of their allocated ME, there would not be funds to maintain and improve the system. By retiring allocated ME on a proportionate and regular cycle, we balance the need to fund the co-op with returning ME to Members. 

ME cannot be returned to Members all at once because doing so would negatively impact the Co-op’s finances and cause increases in electric rates. ME funds are used to keep the electric system safe and reliable and keep electric rates as affordable as possible. When Trico’s finances permit, ME is returned to the Members who paid the rates that created the ME.

Members will see their Membership Equity Retirement on their December bill. Active accounts will see a Membership Equity Retirement posted as a credit on their bill. If you would prefer to receive your Membership Equity as a check, contact us at or 520-744-2944. To receive a check, your refund must be over $10 for both active and inactive accounts. If a Member moves or no longer has service, Trico must have their current address to send ME notices and retirements in the future.

Thank you for being a valued Member of Trico Electric Cooperative. Membership Equity is one of the many benefits of being a Member of a co-op, and it represents your share of the co-op’s profits. Visit here for more information on Membership Equity.


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Washington Youth Tour 2024

Trico Students Enjoy Washington D.C.

September 1, 2023

Each summer, Trico sends high school juniors on a trip to visit Washington D.C., with more than 1,800 students from electric cooperatives across the country.

Students spend the week visiting monuments and memorials, exploring museums, and touring the U.S. Capitol Building. Students also get to meet with staffers and members of Congress to discuss relevant topics that affect them and their local communities. The four students from Trico who participated in the 2023 Washington Youth Tour met with Representative Debbie Lesko, who represents Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.

“It was such a fun trip and was packed with activities and tours of museums, the Capitol building, a cathedral, and many other places,” said Lisa Duran, who represented Trico as a chaperone. “It was fun to get to know kids from Arizona throughout the week. We got to trade pins with other states throughout the week and had Youth Day on the last night where all the states had some interesting speakers, followed by dinner and a dance for the kids.”

Rowan Wilson, who will be a senior at Empire High School, said “The trip was great! Our nation’s capital holds an incredible amount of history, and every time you step into one of those buildings, it comes alive. You grow up hearing about these buildings and all the historical events that happened in the capital, but this trip lets you see it and it is breathtaking.”

Anthony Talavera, from Tucson Magnet High School, said “The Washington Youth Tour was great. I had such a fun time! My favorite memories were the Nationals’ baseball game and the International Spy Museum.”

The application for the 2024 Washington Youth Tour is available on Trico’s website. Dependents of Trico Members who are juniors in high school are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2023.

The Washington Youth Tour is supported by the Trico Foundation, a non-profit organization that is funded by Trico Members’ and past Members’ unclaimed or donated Capital Credit retirements. Learn more at


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CEO Column: We can work together to conserve energy, maintain a reliable grid

Summer is coming, and with summer comes high temperatures and high usage of electricity. As we prepare for the hottest days of the year, it is a good time to think about energy conservation. At Trico we are dedicated to providing our Members with cost-effective and sustainable energy, and a big part of sustainability is reliability. When we talk to our Members and review Member surveys, the message is clear: reliability is important. We take that to heart and know it is our responsibility to provide power when and where our Members need it.

You have probably seen articles and news stories about the tight energy market in the West and throughout the country. In its annual nationwide summer reliability assessment, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) found that “two-thirds of North America is at risk of energy shortfalls this summer during periods of extreme demand.” This includes the West.

Trico spends significant time planning for and securing resources to ensure reliability, but the risks described by NERC are regional issues that affect electric utilities across the country. Trico’s mix of resources includes solar, battery, coal, natural gas, and hydro power. This diversity of resources helps to control costs and ensure reliability. Still, on the hottest days, when there are regional weather events affecting several states, power supplies can be strained.

One way we can all help is through energy conservation. We work to achieve that goal in many ways and that includes providing our Members with guidance and tips on how to reduce energy use.

Conservation efforts have multiple benefits, including helping to reduce your bill and reducing stress on the power grid. Relatively small actions can make a significant difference, and understanding how the system works provides you with the tools to conserve. To help reduce your bill and conserve energy, you can take the following actions:

  • Defer use of pool pumps, washers, dryers or dishwashers until after 8 p.m.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights
  • Unplug unused electrical devices
  • Close blinds and drapes during the hot part of the day
  • Use fans to supplement your air conditioning
  • Limit time the refrigerator door is open

You may wonder why waiting to run major appliances helps. Typically, the most critical time to conserve energy each day is between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. During that period, energy usage increases as people return home from work, and the output of solar resources tapers off. That means that the stress on the grid is highest at that time.

To be clear, our intent is to provide convenient, simple actions you can take. You don’t have to wait to make dinner or avoid using your air conditioning to make a difference. We want you to enjoy your summer, and taking these actions can help you save on your bill while also helping the grid and your community.

For more tips on saving energy, please follow Trico’s social media, future editions of the Livewire, and our website.

CEO Column: Cost-Effective, Sustainable Power

A balanced approach to cost-effective, sustainable power

April 26, 2023

Have you ever considered how handy it is to flip a switch or push a button and have instant conveniences?

It seems so simple; you get a little cold or hot, you bump your thermostat up or down; your family gets hungry, you grab food from your refrigerator and heat it up in the microwave or cook a meal on your stove; stressful day at work, you jump into a hot tub of water.

Electricity is one of those reliable and instant conveniences. More than that, it is necessary to support our daily lives and plays a vital role in powering our future (think electric vehicles, heat pumps, and smart home devices).

Trico takes our responsibility to deliver cost-effective and sustainable power to our Members very seriously. I’d like to use this month’s column to make the point that to accomplish cost-effective AND sustainable, it requires a balanced portfolio of renewable and non-renewable sources, at least for the near and medium term.

As many of you know, there are various methods of electricity generation.

Dispatchable resources include coal and natural gas, which are used to generate electricity by combustion (thermal power). Nuclear power can also be generated through nuclear fission using uranium, the heat of which raises the temperature of water and rotates a steam turbine.

Among renewable energies, sunlight is directly converted into electricity (photovoltaics), rotation energy by wind is converted into electricity (wind power), and rotating water wheels are turned by running water to generate (hydro).

Each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, and currently there is no single source of power that can solve Trico’s mission to be cost-effective AND sustainable all on its own. A quick review of the weaknesses of each technology shows that a diverse mix of resources is vital.

  • Nuclear – Expensive, and hard to finance or site.
  • Coal – Emits carbon and is difficult to adjust to changing load requirements.
  • Wind and Solar – Intermittent, because the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine all hours of the day. Coupling these resources with battery storage helps, but given current technology 24/7 coverage with batteries is not cost effective or practical.
  • Hydro – Subject to water availability and impactful on the environment.
  • Natural Gas – Cost is subject to natural gas markets which can be volatile and emits carbon (although substantially less than coal).

So, what do we do?

It is Trico’s goal to reduce our carbon emissions by 50% by 2032. This will result in increased sustainability at a reasonable cost. We have committed to this goal because it serves our mission, not because of any regulatory requirement. We don’t dispute the importance of transitioning our generation mix over time, and our resource planning shows it can be done in a cost-effective manner. It may be counter-intuitive, but we are also including natural gas generation in our plans. Natural gas generation can ramp up at any time of the day to meet Members’ swings in power usage and to adjust to changing weather. This is necessary to help us meet your power requirements 24/7, 365.

Could we reduce our carbon emissions faster? It may be possible but is not practical. With current technology, the result would be increased costs and/or hours during the year in which power may not be available, and because of supply chain issues related to renewable generation equipment the facilities required might not even be able to be built by the time needed.

Which leads to the point of this column, in order to accomplish sustainability AND cost effectiveness, it requires a mix of multiple generation resources. That has been our strategy in the past and is our strategy moving forward, all to meet our Members’ evolving energy needs. We know you depend on us and it is our privilege to serve our Members and our community.


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Trico Donates Portable AC Units to Pima County

Trico Donates Portable AC Units to Pima County

August 23, 2022

Trico is proud to provide five portable AC units to Pima County. These units will help address the issue of keeping their clients safe and cool if their AC breaks during the hot summer months.
Tony Reis, Pima County Housing Rehab Specialist Supervisor, shared, “Our clients in the Trico area will benefit tremendously from these units while waiting for us to go through the process of getting a new AC unit for them.”


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Trico statement on the impact of supply chain constraints

Trico is Committed to Sustainable Energy

July 25, 2022

We do our best to provide excellent service day-in and day-out, and that includes timely installation of quality equipment to support our Members.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Trico has been preparing for supply chain issues by ordering equipment in advance, working closely with our long-term supply partners, and closely tracking equipment delivery schedules.

Due to the current global supply chain issues, certain parts and pieces of equipment, including transformers, have unusually long manufacturing and delivery lead times. Trico buys American-made products when practical, but even those products have been affected by production and shipping delays.

Thank you for your support as we continue to strategize and work hard to maximize the equipment inventory available, and we are dedicated to serving our Members throughout this latest challenge.

Source: NRECA; Design: Kevin Kepple


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Trico staff work together to rescue baby hawks

While inspecting lines in Marana, Trico’s line inspector saw a bird’s nest on a pole. Trico linemen Bryan English and Shem Scott were sent to inspect the condition of the nest and found three eggs.

As part of our Avian Protection Plan, Trico contacted a wildlife specialist from Liberty Wildlife to assist.

Later, when Bryan went up to add rubber blankets to cover the energized conductors, he noticed two eggs hatched, so there were two baby hawks and one egg.

The babies and egg were safely transferred to a specialized cooler and were put in a portable incubator for transport to Liberty Wildlife.

Liberty Wildlife gave the baby birds fluids and the egg remained in incubation until it hatched.

Eventually, a Red-Tailed Hawk will take over as “mom” to help raise the babies.

After 40 years, Board Director Buckelew retires

After 40 Years, Board Director Buckelew Retires

July 6, 2022

After four decades of distinguished service, Nick Buckelew retired from the Trico Board of Directors in April.

“On behalf of the Trico Board, I would like to thank Nick for his dedicated service to Trico for more than 40 years,” Board President Lawrence Hinchliffe said. “He has always put Members first and made decisions based on what he believed was in the best interest of Trico and its Members. We will miss his leadership, experience and sense of humor.”

With one year remaining on Mr. Buckelew’s term, the Trico Board interviewed six candidates to find someone to serve on the Board. Directors typically serve a three-year term, and the appointed Member will have the option to run for re-election at the end of the year.

Darrell Birkhimer was appointed to represent District 3 (Avra Valley, Picture Rocks). Mr. Birkhimer retired in December 2021 from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association after nearly 40 years of electric utility experience. He has worked for investor-owned utilities, taught powerline schools and worked for three electric cooperatives across seven states. He was a Journeyman Lineman for 12 years and has 15 years of senior-level management experience.

“I have dealt with the challenges electric cooperatives face today,” Mr. Birkhimer said. “I would like to offer my experience serving Trico Members. I am convinced the electric cooperative business model is alive and well, able to meet the challenges.”


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Keep your Trico account up to date

At a time when identity security is so critical, ensuring that the personal information tied to your Trico account is accurate helps us to both protect you and keep you informed.

Accurate information enables us to improve member service and enhance communications for reporting and repairing outages.

We want to be sure we have the right phone number to reach you if there’s an issue with your service or have the correct email to make certain you are receiving the information you need and want from Trico. If someone calls us to inquire about their account, we need to correctly verify their identity before we ever talk with them about anything related to that account.

In addition to keeping Trico updated with your proper phone numbers and email addresses, it’s also important that the name of any household member who needs to be able to discuss your account is listed on the account.

You can update your contact information by logging on to SmartHub, by emailing or by calling (520) 744-2944.

We also encourage you to sign up for Outage Notifications here or through our SmartHub. You can report an outage from SmartHub or by texting “OUT” to 855-937-1858.

We are working to enhance our Member’s experience

A couple of months ago, I mentioned that Trico has established six strategic priorities that will help us innovate and provide a great value, not just today but in the future. The backdrop is that many changes are occurring in the industry and within our membership.

As an organization formed many years ago to meet the needs of homeowners, farmers, ranchers and business owners who it served, and one still owned by those it serves, if we cannot offer value to you, then why do we still exist?

Obviously, that is a rhetorical question, but one that is important, nevertheless. Thus, the need to re-imagine how your cooperative adds value to you and how we can add value in the future.

The first of our six priorities is named “Member Loyalty”. Spelled out, we will be developing products, options, services and events that meet the individual and collective needs of the Members. We have a number of initiatives and projects we are and will be working on that will address this priority.

For example, we want to take advantage of touchpoints to promote Trico’s products, services and programs. This entails reviewing some of our processes related to working with housing developers, and especially when new Members call Trico for the first time.

We will also be looking at our Capital Credit payment process, including likely changing the name from “Capital Credits” to something that better describes what we do, return profits to you, our Members.

We will be taking steps to personalize our Member’s experience with Trico. To accomplish this, we will be revamping our new construction service process, our solar review process, and expanding how and what we communicate to Members during and after outages.

We will also be introducing rate options to Members, assuming the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) agrees. We have filed an off-peak electric vehicle (EV) charging rate and are awaiting approval. This rate will save considerable money for those who own EVs and benefit the entire system. We are also expanding our pay in advance option and filing an optional rate that allows Members to increase the amount of renewables they buy monthly from Trico to 50% or even 100% (stay tuned for more information after the ACC takes action).

And lastly, we will be taking steps to better communicate with Members via social media and at our current and maybe even some new events.

We are excited to get to work on all of the above and know that many Members will see enhanced value as we make progress on these initiatives. As a Member-owned organization, and one that operates on a not-for-profit basis, you can trust that serving you is foremost on our minds.